Let front-ends handle views. This is the time we break up MVC and make it more practical. We are going to focus on back-end without view concerns . There are deeper issues regarding the broader concerns of the model, view and controller. The three-point idea cannot be so simple. The reality is more complicated. Now without view, we are going to slice model and controller into smaller applicable concerns. Views should not be handled from the back-end. We are threshing the view concern from the back-end altogether. First of all, look at the plethora of front-end frameworks concerning views. Why do model and controller not catching up? Because model and controller are invisible to the naked eyes. Because users can decide on the looks and feels of an application. Because users have no idea and do not care on how data are being handled. Thus, due to the absence of users at the back-end, there is no pressure at all for developers to really pursue on improving model and control...
Programming notes around Cryptocurrency, Electronics and GIS