If you search the Internet for ESP8266 you will get Arduino related results. It seems that the world see ESP8266 as a part of Arduino. This may change in the future. I prefer not to use Arduino for ESP8266 development because that approach was technically a work-a-round. Arduino IDE was designed for its own devices. I don't want to use an IDE which generally comes with unnecessary dependencies and constraints. I want to have the full control of the device that I'm working on. That's why I started my earlier ESP8266 developments with esp-open-sdk . I'm okay with the command line approach and a simple text editor. Now I want to utilize the real time operating system and explore its potentials. ESP8266 is powerful enough for RTOS. I searched the Internet for ESP8266 and RTOS, and I found many paradigms. ESP8266 is in a constant development. People were trying all sorts of approaches because in the beginning they were left alone . And now Espressif seems to take over ...
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