libesphttpd is a HTTP server library for ESP8266. It has a fair documentation on Github and a demo . It supports common gateway interface (CGI) in C. It also has a tool to compile a collection of web pages into a binary blob which is to be flashed into ESP8266 separately from the web server codes. It can host static web files. In general, libesphttpd can be used to build a complete web server for ESP8266. However, ESP8266 is too tiny for a full blown web server. It is a standard practice to separate the development of web pages and a web server. In fact, due to the limited resources of the ESP8266, the web server should be kept to minimum by only exposing APIs. The web pages should be designed as the applications that run at the client side. I wrote a micro-api framework using libesphttpd and esp-open-sdk . Separation of concerns is important in web application development since it involves multiple stacks of tools. On the server side there will be embedded C-based tools....
Programming notes around Cryptocurrency, Electronics and GIS