ESP8266 is a WiFi module that can be programmed to serve web pages. The capability is similar to a typical WiFi router serving its own administrative web pages. We can hack a WiFi router with OpenWRT or we can just program ESP8266. The server-side example codes can be found at the micro-api framework repo. Here we are going to prepare for the client-side development. ESP8266 is a general purpose WiFi module where the web pages can be more than just administrative. However, due to the limited resources of ESP8266 the processes should be mostly pushed to the client side. See libesphttpd and Micro API . Localhost Our web server will be based on libesphttpd . It comes with a tiny read-only file system (espfs) and a utility to pack the entire web file structure into a single blob file which is to be flashed into ESP8266. The web server will serve the files just like any other web server. We need to set up a localhost web server and start developing for the client si...
Programming notes around Cryptocurrency, Electronics and GIS