@ ITweetBio lists Twitter bios and regularly tweets from the list . You can enlist your Twitter bio there. @ITweetBio wants to make it easy for you to enlist your bio without requiring you to register yourself with the service, or making you to authenticate the application. You are already known in Twitter by your handle. You can just give your Twitter handle like @ BlindTalk , and @ITweetBio will use the handle to read your bio from Twitter and enlist it. However, anyone can give your Twitter handle to @ITweetBio acting like he is you. @ITweetBio wants to verify that you are the one who gives the handle, not anyone else. I wrote a short article almost three years ago on Authentication by Mentioning using Twitter but I didn't give any sample code. I am going to give a sample code at the end of this article. I found it easy to authenticate someone using only his Twitter account. All he has to do is tweet a specific message from me and I will read his Twitter status that mu...
Programming notes around Cryptocurrency, Electronics and GIS