Online referral programs are everywhere. You can see them appear in social networking sites, forums, blogs and advertisement. People are just doing their business. What is a referral program? The main concept of a referral program is that you earn something from the work of someone you refer. The more persons you refer the more is your earning potential. Some programs apply multi-tier or multi-level referral scheme where your earning potential is multiplied. You promote a referral program through a unique link assigned by the organizer to you. This is an example of my referral link . The number 17104 is my unique ID as the member of the Power Bar Club. You place this link in your websites, blogs, emails and advertisement. You talk about the link in Twitter or other social networking sites and forums. These referral links create a huge traffic in the Internet. The people that rides up the traffic has great cash conversion potential because referral links...
Programming notes around Cryptocurrency, Electronics and GIS